28 Feb 2025


C-Media WinXP Driver

Company: C-Media
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 8330wdm-417ioioioioio.zip


C-Media Driver. CMI8330/C3D Audio Adapter

I had been looking for this driver for XP as i already downloaded the 95/98 driver befor. i have found it and would like to offer every one to use it now with me?.

To Install.

Click to the my computer Icon on your desktop if thats your setting.

Click in to propertys.

select the Hardware setting.

A list of the hardware will Display that your Audio Drive has a yellow question mark on the left hand side of it. selcet the proprtys of the driver and move across to up date drive click and you are ready to Install the driver? you must select thed river from the location you saved it to. the setup will install the driver. in some cases you may still have only one driver that has a question mark like my self this is ok this is only the back up driver this may not be installed. i had to update 6 Audio Icons with this driver.

i hope that you found this a great help and please feel free to post a message to let me know you had a succestfall install of the driver?. if you need any more drivers for Display setting please feel free to ask and ill be checking this site every sunday. or you can send me a e-mail to DamionMicky@yahoo.co.uk

thankyou so much for spending time reading this thanx Damion x

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 11489 02-23-00 20:29 CMEDIA.INF 21431 02-25-00 17:37 cm8330sb.sys 23413 02-25-00 17:44 cm8330.sys -------- ---- 56333 3 files

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