23 Feb 2025


Sony Electronics fx55v/bp WinXP Driver

Company: Sony Electronics
Model: fx55v/bp
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: fx55vbp.zip


Sony Electronics fx55v/bp Driver. Por essa ninguém esperava, hein?!

Achei o bendito, que nem o site japones da Sony fornece. Depois de instala-lo, va' para o painel de controle e configure o modem para a região dos Estados Unidos, se não so' conectara' a 33.6K.

Tenho uma biblioteca de drivers. Para quem quiser, basta me mandar um e-mail para outros dispositivos.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 310739 07-12-01 15:52 Fallback.sys 27 10-11-98 02:23 disk1 99317 08-15-01 13:25 CNXCsr.cty 62209 08-09-01 18:34 ALiModem.sys 167661 08-09-01 18:32 AmosNT.sys 17776 07-03-01 19:42 CNXTDIAG.SYS 245760 06-02-01 00:00 HXFSetup.exe 216987 06-14-01 20:36 FaxNT.sys 127405 06-14-01 20:37 FSKsNT.sys 585152 08-09-01 18:36 HSF_CNXT.sys 64716 08-09-01 18:33 Ich.sys 427167 07-22-01 20:41 K56NT.SYS 68006 08-09-01 18:33 RKSAMPLE.SYS 48462 08-09-01 18:31 Soar.sys 80449 06-17-01 14:20 SpkpNT.sys 56639 06-14-01 20:35 TonesNT.sys 534605 07-22-01 20:40 V124NT.SYS 66385 08-09-01 18:33 ViaModem.sys 14611 09-07-01 09:53 DCORCM5.cat 57344 05-22-01 15:39 CnxtSdk.dll 11562 07-11-01 21:21 hsfinst.dll 316416 07-10-01 13:13 csacpl.cpl 48368 08-29-01 10:45 DCORCM5.inf -------- ---- 3627763 23 files

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