23 Feb 2025


Hewlett Packard (HP) Office Jet Series T t45 t45xi WinXP Driver

Company: Hewlett Packard (HP)
Model: Office Jet Series T t45 t45xi
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: HPOffijet-t45-WinXp-Driver-Color.zip


Hewlett Packard (HP) Office Jet Series T t45 t45xi Driver. This is driver I using on my computer rigth now. Working fine in Windows XP Home, Pro and Corporative. I testing on Windows 2003 Standar and Enterprise and still working fine 100 % sure. Unzip an temporally folder like HPt45 and install the driver manually.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2560 10-24-01 14:03 English/hpmrcwa.dll 90112 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPO24R05.dll 13121 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPO89505.hpc 98304 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOCFG05.exe 118784 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOCNT05.dll 193536 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOCPS05.dll 5825 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPODLF05.hpc 15359 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPODLP05.hpc 25600 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOHid05.exe 16384 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOHRL05.dll 10549 10-24-01 14:03 English/hpoid407.inf 73728 10-24-01 14:03 English/hpoidr07.dll 2355200 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOimg05.dll 40960 10-24-01 14:03 English/hpoimn07.dll 5825 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOKLF05.hpc 12335 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOKLP05.hpc 94208 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOlnk05.exe 5361 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOlnk05.ini 40448 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOMem05.dll 57344 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOMlc05.dll 5825 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOMLF05.hpc 16719 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOMLP05.hpc 49152 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOMON05.dll 303104 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOMRL05.dll 3578 10-24-01 14:03 English/hpoNT07.inf 213820 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPONTU05.dll 36128 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOPar05.sys 81920 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOPCL05.dll 5949 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOPLF05.hpc 13239 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOPLP05.hpc 82944 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOPml05.dll 110592 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOrsa05.dll 36864 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOrsu05.dll 389120 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOSRL05.dll 860160 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOTBX05.exe 1310720 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOTRL05.dll 53248 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOTST05.dll 407044 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOui05.dll 50848 10-24-01 14:03 English/hpousd05.dll 2417 10-24-01 14:03 English/hpousd05.inf 53760 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOVcm05.dll 221184 10-24-01 14:03 English/HPOWIN05.dll -------- ---- 7583878 42 files

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