23 Feb 2025


nVIDIA Vanta LT WinXP Driver

Company: nVIDIA
Model: Vanta LT
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Vanta_LT.zip


nVIDIA Vanta LT Driver. I'm no Guru, but my desktop was constantly freezing, slowing down and media didn't play correctly. The screen constantly flickered. For 2 years I've been searching for the PROPER Nvidia drivers for Windows XP.

The Nvidia Site didn't offer much help at least with the Vanta LT update. I tried the GE force along with others, etc. etc... it just made it worse! , The Windows Updated driver did squat and when I tried to uninstall and reinstall the driver... Windows Update didn't even recognize the driver it provided was uninstalled!

Sooo, after much trial, error and

frustration, I finally was able to find these two drivers... believe it or not.. from the Hewlett Packard website and so far my desktop is working GREAT!! I'm contributing these 2 files in the hopes of ending someone elses frustration.

Hope they work for you as well as for me

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 6443665 02-24-04 00:06 sp19601_and_more/sp19601.exe 19124424 02-24-04 00:27 sp19601_and_more/sp24631.exe -------- ---- 25568089 2 files

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