5 Feb 2025


Aopen FM56-SVV WinXP Driver

Company: Aopen
Model: FM56-SVV
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: fm-56svvXP.zip


Aopen FM56-SVV Driver. Works better than the generic driver included with WinXP. I made this zip file directly from the WinXP section of the driver disk that came with the modem, of which I've sold many. Virus free at time of upload. Unzip to an empty folder, then point Windows to it to look for the updated driver.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 33548 12-23-01 20:02 STRMDISP.SYS 35734 06-05-02 10:31 ACRCST5.inf 51200 12-23-01 20:02 CARPDLL.DLL 4608 12-23-01 20:02 carpserv.exe 147539 12-20-01 16:52 CNXCRC.cty 133923 12-20-01 16:51 CNXStd.cty 316416 10-07-01 18:20 csacpl.cpl 27 10-11-98 02:23 disk1 591536 12-23-01 19:53 HSF_CNXT.sys 1171488 12-23-01 19:59 HSF_DP.sys 160083 12-23-01 20:00 HSFHWBS2.sys 12074 12-25-01 11:23 hsfinst.dll 266240 12-21-01 00:32 HXFSetup.exe 57344 10-22-01 15:37 MdmXSdk.dll 9855 10-22-01 15:46 MDMXSDK.sys 11874 06-05-02 16:57 ACRCST5.cat -------- ---- 3003489 16 files

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