14 Mar 2025


Acer Scan Prisa 640p (Parallel) ACER WinXP Driver

Company: Acer
Model: Scan Prisa 640p (Parallel) ACER
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: mirascan_v3424p.exe


Acer Scan Prisa 640p (Parallel) ACER Driver. Yes, they finally upgraded the driver. (www.benq.ca/english/drivers/imaging_drivers.html) There are some instructions here...


On page 4 as you are running the Scanner Camera wizard, it may not be able to find the file "EPP2k.inf". Browse manually to the INF folder in your windows directory. The Inf folder can also be a hidden file. In this case you will need to to un-hide the file. To do this you need to go into C drive>From the menu on the top click on View>Click on Folder Options>Click on View>Go down to where it says Hidden Files and click on Show all Files>Click on Apply.

You must also REBOOT after the install. It wont prompt you to in Xp, just do it.

Then, you may get a "Read Image Data Failure" error. Just restart the scanner, by exiting the host graphic program, or shut off then on the scanner.

Another issue with some setups Always turn the scanner on before turning on the computer. Scanners have to be detected as the comp boots, like connecting a TV to the TV out of your graphics card.

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